DC scheme membership
Total number of active members
Active member - a person whose employment with the employer qualifies the member for benefits under the scheme and benefits continue to accrue.
Total number of deferred members
Deferred member - a person who has benefits under the scheme and is not accruing any more.
Total number of pensioner members
Pensioner member - a person who is currently receiving a pension from the scheme.
Completion instructions
You need to complete the membership table with the number of members* in the pension scheme for each of the categories given below. Only count each member once, as defined in section 124 of the Pensions Act 1995.
Priority for apportioning members is:
- Active member
- Deferred member **
- Pensioner member
For example, if a member has both active and deferred benefits, only count the member once as an active member.
If this is a new scheme which does not have a scheme year end between these dates, please insert the scheme membership at the date on which the scheme first became registrable and enter an effective date of 1 April of the year between these dates.
* A pensioner member is a person who is currently receiving a pension from the scheme.
Please include in the total number of pensioner members the following:
- annuitants (excluding dependants) where the annuity has been bought in the name of the trustees
- members (excluding dependants) receiving a pension directly from the scheme assets (also known as self - annuitisation)
- members (excluding dependants) taking an income from the scheme on any other basis, for example a drawdown pension. Include drawdown pension members even where they are currently receiving a nil income.
Please note that there may be some members who have retired and drawn their scheme benefits but who are not classed as pensioner members. Specifically, please exclude from the total number of pensioner members, those receiving a pension in the following way:
- annuitants and dependants where the annuity has been bought in the name of the member or dependant (rather than in the name of the trustees) as in this case the money has been paid out of the scheme to an insurer to provide the annuity and the individual is no longer a member
- members who have transferred their fund to another scheme, for example to a self - invested personal pension, from which they are receiving a drawdown pension.
** Pension credit members, where applicable, should be counted as deferred members.
Member age profiles
Please provide the number of active and deferred members which fall into the two age categories: '50 to 59' and '60 and over'. The system will check the number of members provided against the most up-to-date membership figures you can provide.