DB Scheme membership
Total number of active members
Active member - a person whose employment with the employer qualifies the member for benefits under the scheme and benefits continue to accrue.
Total number of deferred members
Deferred member - a person who has benefits under the scheme and is not accruing any more.
Total number of pensioner members
Pensioner member - a person who is currently receiving a pension from the scheme.
Note: for a CDC scheme, complete this form as for a DC scheme.
Please use this column for members whose pension entitlement wholly arises from defined contributions made to the scheme (also known as money purchase benefits*). No element of pension for these members will have been defined during the period of scheme membership. Excluding DC Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC’s).
* Money purchase benefits are defined by section 181 of the Pension Schemes Act 1993 as amended by section 29 Pensions Act 2011. Schemes affected by the change in the definition to money purchase benefits are those schemes that have the potential to develop a funding deficit as such benefits will now explicitly fall outside of the amended definition of money purchase benefits. See the regulator’s Statement ‘Changes to the definition of a money purchase benefit’http://www.thepensionsregulator.gov.uk/docs/definition-money-purchase-benefits-statement-2014.pdf
Please use this column for members where all of the pension entitlement will have been defined during the period of scheme membership (defined benefits, final salary, career average, salary related). Including members who also hold DC Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC’s).
Partial DB
Please use this column for members where part of the pension entitlement will have been defined during the period of scheme membership (defined benefits, final salary, career average, salary related) and part of the pension entitlement arises from defined contributions made to the scheme. Excluding DC Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC’s).
Completion Instructions
You need to complete the membership table with the number of members* in the pension scheme for each of the categories given below. Only count each member, as defined in section 124 of the Pensions Act 1995, once.
Priority for apportioning members is:
- Active member
- Deferred member **
- Pensioner member
For example, if a member has both active and deferred benefits, only count the member once as an active member.
Include as a partial DB member any member who has a defined contribution account with a defined benefit underpin, defined benefit promise with a defined contribution underpin, a defined contribution account and a guaranteed minimum pension (GMP), or equivalent pension benefits (EPBs).
* Include annuitants (excluding dependants) where the annuity has been bought in the name of the trustees. Where a dependant is not in receipt of an annuity from the scheme they are not counted as members. Exclude any death benefit only members, dependants (spouses and children) and annuitants where the annuity has been bought in the name of the member.
** Pension credit members, where applicable, should be counted as deferred members.