Valuation results summary
Effective dates
The s179, Buyout and Accounting valuation information should be provided at the date(s) nearest to that of the Part 3 valuation.
Market value of scheme assets
Exclude defined contribution benefits across assets and liabilities for the Part 3 valuation, accounting and buyout measures. For s179, use approach adopted for PPF submission.
Liability breakdown
If accounting liabilities split into active and deferred and/or pensioner members are not available, just enter the total.
Expense reserves
For s179 include any external liabilities (see regulation 1(2) of the Pensions Protection Fund (valuation) Regulations 2005 (SI 2005/672) within the 'expense reserve'.
Insured benefits
Treat consistently for the scheme funding valuation, accounting and buyout measures, and across assets and liabilities (for s179, use the approach adopted for PPF submission). For example, if some insured benefits are included in the liabilities, then include the value on the liabilities basis in the assets.
Employer covenant
Please answer yes if in preparing the scheme valuation and recovery plan, you have received advice from a 3rd party not connected with the scheme regarding the employer covenant. If you have not carried out a review of the covenant, or did so without independent advice, please answer no.